Indian heritage is considered one of the richest in the world. Our ancestors gave birth to a beautiful cultural and traditional heritage on us. We are also lucky for a magnificent natural heritage that includes rich biodiversity and superb geological structures.

Apart from this, our wonderful monument attracts people from different parts of the world. Indian heritage has been preserved for centuries and passed from one generation to the next. But does the generation driven by the new technology give importance to Indian heritage as before? Will it be able to preserve it and move forward or will our heritage be over soon? These are some questions that disturb the old generations because they want to maintain our legacy.

Indian Heritage: Gifts From Old Generation To Little Generation

Indian heritage is vast and vivid. It is huge because there are large number of religious groups in our country. Each religious group has a group of customs and traditions, which it assigns to its younger generation. However, some of our customs and traditions are similar in whole of India. For example, our tradition involves honoring our elderly, helping the needy, speaking the truth, and welcoming guests and treating them well. Our traditions teach us to make good habits and make us a good person.

Our cultural heritage is thus a priceless gift from our old generation, which will help us to become a better person and build a harmonious society.

The Value of Indian Heritage for the New Generation

Our cultural heritage has remained intact for centuries but in recent times its appeal is getting less. It seems that the new generation does not give much importance to our cultural heritage.

Our society has seen tremendous changes in the past few decades. The colonization of our country by the British brought Western culture to our country. Centuries-old traditions began to change. Today, Indian costumes are highly influenced by western culture. Our ancient education system of Gurukul was replaced by new types of schools and many other changes were brought in that era. Since then, I have not looked back.

Our society has seen many changes. For example, our joint family system is giving way to the new nuclear family system. The rise in technology and the advent of the Internet and smart phones have made us away from our cultural heritage. Western culture enters the youth of the country and most of them look at our culture and traditions.

The young generation is so engrossed in its world and has become so self-centered that it does not pay much attention to the cultural values ​​given by the elders.

Receiving love and respect for Indian heritage

It is the duty of the elders to call for love for Indian heritage in the younger generation. It should be done from the beginning only if we can preserve our rich heritage.

One way to express love for our heritage is to introduce the younger generation to our glorious past. This will help them to feel proud and they will be motivated to continue the tradition and will pass it even for the new generation. This requires the collective efforts of the parents as well as the parents.

Schools should teach students about Indian heritage and how it has survived for centuries. They should also share the importance of preserving it.
